Inflation, Lumber, and Capital Gains

Lumber Prices, Capital Gains Taxes, and Inflation

I recently attended a virtual economics conference where some brilliant minds shared their insights about where the economy is and where we are going. There were some common themes that should come as no surprise. Commodity prices (specifically lumber prices), inflation concerns, government stimulus, and capital gains tax hikes were all discussed.
As we are emerging from the scares of the pandemic, there is a lot to “normalize” in the world’s supply chains. Many of the key supply chains necessary […]

Multifamily Compass

Multifamily Market Mid-Year 2020

As we round first base in the 3rd quarter of 2020, from my perspective we’re settling into a new-normal. A normal that is full of question marks and ambiguity. Not an easy place to be as an investor, but the appetite for multifamily remains quite strong.

The first half of 2020 is essentially the tale of two economies: the pre-pandemic economy and the economy of the pandemic’s first three months. The very nature of what this crisis has caused will […]


Will Empathy Make Us Better Investors?

Does anyone else feel like we’re about 17 months into 2020 even though we’re only at the mid-July point???

The events of the last couple of months have been heavy, this year has been heavy, and I for one am feeling the weight. No need to rehash why, I know we’re all aware.

I started listening to an audiobook titled Principles by Ray Dalio a couple weeks ago. Admittedly it isn’t the lightest of reads either, but it’s been brilliant. I […]


Will the Coronavirus Create More Renters?

This pandemic-caused global downturn we’re currently slogging our way through is the latest economic scar on the psyche of the Millennial generation that may convince them to remain renters long after COVID-19 is a chapter in the history books.

As masks have become the new norm as we venture out of our homes in the pandemic, will renting remain the old norm for Millennials? Most in this age group were still children in the dot-com crash at the turn of the […]

Interest Rates in Uncertain Times

What Toilet Paper Shortages Teach Us About Interest Rates

I hate jumping on the Coronavirus bandwagon of content, but like it or not, it is having a real effect on our global economy and is causing a lot of uncertainty in the financial markets. This uncertainty is impacting the interest rates available on commercial real estate debt.

It’s really hard to say, nor is the point here to talk about what the Coronavirus situation really means to our economy long term. It is too early to really know.

What we […]


Millennials and Multifamily Development


Much has been written recently about the economic footprint of the Generation Y demographic, commonly known as Millennials.  As they begin to reach the prime earnings phase of their lives, their particular influence can be directly observed in how advertisers chase their dollars, how retailers shape their products, and, not surprisingly, how real estate players appeal to their appetite for working, living and socializing.  For most Millennials, choices around housing are more complex than the age-old decision of whether […]


The Outlook for Multifamily Housing in 2016


It is significant to note that the demand for rental housing has increased substantially since 2005, with 43 million families and individuals now living in rentals. To give that statistic context, that’s an increase of more than 26 percent in 10 years. This information comes from a Joint Center for Housing Studies at Harvard University (JCHS) report published in December of 2015.

JCHS research confirms that this increase is the largest gain on record in any 10-year period, leading to […]


Who Is Bonneville Multifamily Capital?

Many companies in Utah are named after the massive, ancient Bonneville Lake that once covered the entire state of Utah and into Idaho and Nevada. Like Bonneville Communications, Bonneville Brewery, Bonneville Bank or our parent company, Bonneville Real Estate Capital for example. What makes us different is we focus on Government multifamily loans. We are the largest originator of USDA 538 loans in the Nation. We could literally do them in our sleep!

We have a small team of talented […]