Burning Money
Holding Bitcoin

Liquidity – Why More is More and Non-Cash Alternatives

I made the plunge about a month ago – I became the proud owner of .027 Bitcoin and .885 Ether. If you’re doing the math, I took a whopping $1,000 and made my first foray into the world of cryptocurrency. It’s proven to be fortuitous timing if you’ve seen any news of late…

There have been a couple of bull runs in the cryptocurrency market over the last couple of years that have been hard to ignore, and there is […]

3 Reasons Syndicators Should Embrace Mandatory Lender Reserves

Have you ever run out of gas? I’m not talking the figurative gas tank, but the literal one we have in our vehicles. (Tesla owners sub gas for electricity…)

I had a truck years ago that frequently over-stated the amount left in the tank and one time it got the better of me. Embarrassingly enough I ran out of gas. Such a pain to pull off to the side of the road, walk to the nearest gas station, spend a […]

multifamily reserves

To Reserve or Not to Reserve, That is the Question

With the rise of the COVID-19 pandemic, operating and capital reserves have become a topic of discussion for apartment syndication sponsors and investors alike.

For some, today’s uncertainty is a chance to brag about their foresight in raising a large war chest for tough times, while others fear they will soon pay the price for their lean reserves.

We have certainly seen a change in reserve requirements for multifamily loans, but more on that later.

You may wonder why sponsors don’t simply […]


More Than Double Your Returns with This Strategy – Bridge Loan vs. Perm Loan Case Study

Everyone wants the best rate and terms when financing a multifamily deal. It goes without saying. We naturally seek quotes and rate sheets with the lowest possible published rates.

Rate is the simplest “common” denominator used to compare different loan options. It is easy to understand, but not always the best gauge of overall returns. There are several other variables to consider.

We want that low rate, but we also want leverage. Leverage is how we juice our returns. It’s not […]

Multifamily Syndication
Multifamily Syndication Team

Better Together: Using Syndication to Grow Your Multifamily Portfolio

Syndicating Deals Is the Next Step to Achieving Your Investment Goals

As the multifamily market continues to grow, you may be wondering how newer multifamily investors are able to complete large transactions or add big commercial properties to their portfolios. If your investment goals are at Point A and you want to get to Point B quickly, the answer is right in front of you.

Multifamily syndicated deals are the oil in the multifamily gears allowing deals to move forward and […]