
COVID-19 – A Blessing in Disguise?

As soon I typed that title, I immediately felt internal resistance. Is that just insensitive? Is it too soon to even be having that sort of conversation???

It may be. Our nation, our world, our economy is in some real turmoil right now. And the last thing I want to do is pour fuel on the fire of pessimism, but the way I interpret the information I have consumed is simply that it is going to worse before it gets […]


Timing the Market – 3 Step Process to Win the Refi Game

Fear and greed are the two main drivers that commonly derail day traders in the stock, futures, and Forex markets. Given the wild swings in the stock market due to COVID-19, it is hard not to be intrigued with the quick gains the stock market could provide if only you pick the right side of a trade. 20% in a day seems way better than 20% in a year that real estate can offer.
Having played that game quite unsuccessfully […]


Runway is Clear for Agency Financing in 2020

We are now a month into 2020 and wanted to share a few exciting updates about Agency (Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac) loans for this year. In a nutshell, Agency loans provide a great non-recourse alternative to recourse bank loans with additional bells and whistles like 30-year amortizations, interest only periods and low interest rates, all of which combine to increase your net cash flow.

Both Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac announced their year-end 2019 production volumes last week. As […]