
How Does The MIP Work For HUD Multifamily FHA Loans?

MIP (Mortgage Insurance Premium) is a unique aspect of HUD/FHA insured multifamily loans. The reason it exists is to support the federal program that underwrites and ultimately guarantees FHA multifamily loans that offer the richest terms in the industry.

MIP is a monthly payment based on the outstanding balance of the loan at the beginning of each year. The year isn’t based on the calendar, rather every 12 months during the life of the loan. The MIP on the 223(f) […]


How To Raise Your Effective Rent 8%

Having read hundreds of articles focused on multifamily property and attended numerous industry trade shows, it is clear the vast majority of multifamily property owners are willing to do whatever they can to increase cash flows. I’m all for reducing costs, finding efficiencies and increasing rents but securing the right loan can make all that work look like child’s play. Your financing will have a big effect on your cash flow, your margin, and ultimately your return.

We are really […]